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Mental Health in Summer | Behavioral Health Services

Posted on July 8, 2016

We often associate the summer with happiness – school is out of session, the weather is warmer and the beaches and pools are crowded. However, the summer months can be difficult for those dealing with mental illness. Many children and adolescents with anxiety or ADHD rely on the structure of school to provide a grounding to their day and adults dealing with depression may feel particularly isolated while those around them enjoy the typical mood boost that comes with summer weather and activities.

SummerIdeas for a positive environment:

For children, teens and college students who need the structure of school, consider enrolling in a summer camp or internship. Discuss with health professionals whether children will continue taking medication in the summer.

Other ideas for all ages include:

  • Visit local parks to enjoy the weather
  • Reconnect with friends and family over summer holidays
  • Take walk breaks during lunches or breaks from work
  • Remember to stay hydrated in the heat
  • Maintain a regular sleep schedule
  • Find time to relax and rewind between busy summer events


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