Posted on April 7, 2017
The process of recovering from pregnancy and birth varies with each woman and the events that occurred during birth. With parenthood, many questions arise as a parent is adjusting to their new role. To help meet the needs of new parents, South Central Regional Medical Center is providing educational books for parents to take home to use during the postpartum period.
The postpartum period, a six week period immediately following birth, can be emotionally and physically challenging for a new mother. Our goal with each new mother is to provide as much education as possible. Along with hands-on education from nursing staff, SCRMC’s Women’s and Children’s Place is now providing educational books for each newborn. These books are provided complimentary to families after delivery by the South Central Health Care Foundation.
Following the Birth educational books include information about care for the moms and newborn care. Topics covered are: Postpartum recovery, diet and exercise for mothers, newborn appearance, newborn care, breastfeeding, a parent’s new life and postpartum depression. SCRMC nursing staff will provide education, care and support during the stay at the hospital. The educational books will explain what to expect, what is happening currently and more on recovery for mom. Implementation of the educational booklets began in April 2017.
By hosting fundraising events throughout the year, South Central Health Care Foundation is able to provide community assistance with education, screenings and support groups. Approximately $31,000 was raised at the 2017 Art of Healing. These funds will be utilized for items like Following the Birth education booklets to help those in our community who need it most.
For more information on SCRMC’s Women’ and Children’s Place, please contact Connie Landrum at For more information on the South Central Health Care Foundation, please contact Becky Collins at