Posted on April 10, 2017
The Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery center offers laser hair removal. Brandi Tynes, a family nurse practitioner, states, “Laser hair removal is a great treatment option for anybody that is wanting a permanent reduction in unwanted hair.” This is a great treatment for those prone to rashes and razor burns. This is offered to patients 18 years and older. There is a consultation before the treatment process begins to determine what the patient is looking for and their concerns. Hair almost anywhere can be removed with laser hair removal except the eyebrows. Some of the more common areas for women include the following: the bikini area, under arms, legs, chin, and upper lip. The more common areas for the men include the neck, the back, and maybe even the beard area. Most patients see results after the first treatment.
To learn more, call (601) 425-7522 or visit