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SCRMC HealthBreak | Colposcopy pt. 2

Posted on July 17, 2017


Women are often told that they need to have a gynecological checkup by their OBGYN, often called a pap smear. Dr. Hugh Stancill III, OBGYN physician at South Central Regional Medical Center, explains that pap smears are done to look for abnormalities of the cervix. He states that pap smears pick up pre-cancer of the cervix very early, and they want a definitive diagnosis, which a colposcopy gives. A colposcopy is the examination of the cervix very closely with a magnifying machine called a colposcope. It lets the doctors examine the architecture of the cervix to look for disease. They then take a biopsy and send it to a pathologist for a diagnosis. Blood vessel changes are one of the things that doctors look for during a colposcopy. Pap smears can catch cancers in their earliest stage. Dr. Stancill states, “Every lady after the age of twenty-one needs to get pap smears regularly and follow up with an abnormal pap smear if one appears. This is a way to save an awful lot of heartbreak and prevent cancer.”

For an appointment, call OBYGN Group of Laurel at (601) 649-5421.

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