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Free Vein Screening | February 1st

Posted on January 8, 2018

Varicose Veins: A Painful Condition That’s Not Just Cosmetic

Free Community Screening on Thursday, February 1st

Nature has a sense of humor; while our hair becomes white, our legs become more colorful. It often begins with clusters of bright blue or red spider veins. But no one is laughing when purple, rope-like veins twist down our legs.

Varicose veins are tortuous, swollen veins that appear just below the surface of the skin, usually on the legs. Since most people keep them concealed, the general population is unaware just how common they really are. Varicose veins occur in 1 in 2 people over the age of 50 — affecting more than 30 million Americans.

The Vein Center, a South Central Clinic, is offering a free vein screening for the community on Thursday, February 1st from 3 p.m. – 5 p.m. The screening will be held at 1410 Jefferson Street in Laurel, located behind South Central Urgent Care.

Here are some surprising stats about varicose veins:

  • 30 million: The number of Americans with varicose veins.
  • 90 percent: Your risk of developing varicose veins if both parents had them.
  • 62 percent: Your risk if one parent had them.
  • 20 percent: Your risk if neither parent had varicose veins.
  • 25 percent of all women have varicose veins.
  • 15 percent of all men have varicose veins.

While varicose veins are often misunderstood as simply a cosmetic problem, realistically many create symptoms of pain such throbbing, aching, fatigue and burning.

“A lot of people believe that varicose veins are not dangerous, which is not always true,” said Hossein Nasajpour, MD. “If left untreated for years, venous disease can progress and cause ankle swelling, skin discoloration, ulcerations, bleeding and blood clots.”

To schedule an appointment time for a free vein screening, please call 601-649-5931.

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