Did you know that traditional Medicare covers a one-time welcome to Medicare screening visit and an annual wellness visit? Both of these visits have no copay or deductibles applied, and are a great way to improve your health.
Traditional Medicare covers a full range of preventative services to help keep you healthy and find problems early when treatment is most effective. Your welcome to Medicare visit is offered during the first 12 months you are enrolled in Medicare part B. Your wellness visit is scheduled once a year and will include a complete health history review and many other services.
During the visit, your healthcare provider will work with you to develop a plan for how to stay well. This is an opportunity to discuss your medical history, manage your medications, risks for certain diseases, current state of your health, and how to stay well. It is important to bring current information to your appointment about your health. Take the first step and speak to your primary care provider about this program.
South Central Clinics that provide this Medicare wellness visit include: Ellisville Medical Clinic, Laurel Family Clinic, South Central Family Medicine, and South Central Internal Medicine.