Posted on September 9, 2019
Lymphedema is excessive swelling that is not due to an immediate or recent injury or surgery. Danette Chancellor, Certified Lymphedema therapist at South Central Regional Medical Center states, “We can customize the program to any individual patient,” and,“It is one-on-one. It’s communicating with the patient and searching for answers to their particular problems.” Chancellor also says, “When a patient learns to independently manage their lymphedema, it makes their life improve because they’re able to get back to more normal routines. They’re more limber. They’re more flexible. Their clothes fit better. They don’t feel as much like they stick out in a crowd with a larger arm or a larger leg.” “We can customize the program to any individual patient,” and,“It is is one-on-one. It’s communicating with the patient and searching for answers to their particular problems.”
For more information on Lymphedema therapy, click here.