Posted on May 29, 2020
Cases of COVID-19 on the Rise
Residents Encouraged to Follow Guidelines
W. Mark Horne, MD
Chief Quality Officer
Mark Horne MD, Chief Medical Officer at South Central Regional Medical Center, said, “Jones County has seen a spike in COVID-19 cases. A major contributing factor is likely poor compliance with public safety guidelines established by the Mississippi State Department of Health (MSDH) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). At this point, we all know the recommendations for wearing of masks, social distancing and limiting unnecessary public activity. It appears many believe that since they do not know someone with COVID-19 or because they are in a low risk group, the guidelines do not apply to them. Unfortunately, those who have had COVID-19 and those who care for these patients know all too well how serious this virus is. Another contributing factor to the increase in cases is due to more individuals being tested.”
“Statistics prove that communities following the social distancing guidelines, wearing masks, and gathering in small groups outdoors instead of indoors, have seen a reduction of individuals impacted by disease. We will only see a reduction in cases if we all work together to reduce the spread of infection. It is up to each individual member of our community,” Dr. Horne said.
Dr. Horne continued by stating, “It is important to stay active, get some fresh air and keep the body and mind active and healthy. If you have a medical need, call the clinic of your healthcare provider. Do not delay care. South Central Clinics are receiving hundreds of calls daily and we are providing the care our patients need. By delaying needed care, medical conditions can worsen and some can become life threatening.”
Jeremy Rogers, DO
Emergency Medicine
Jeremy Rogers, DO, Medical Director of Emergency Services at South Central Regional Medical Center, said, “For 365 days a year, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, South Central Regional Medical Center’s Emergency Department has been here to care for the community. Unfortunately, we have seen patients who have delayed necessary care. People who have experienced chest pain or signs of a heart attack, and have gone several days without care are causing permanent damage to their body. There is a ‘golden hour’ in medicine and on many different disease entities this means the sooner we are able to provide care, the better the outcome for the patient. Even during this pandemic, we have continued to care for patients arriving at our emergency department with heart attacks, strokes, major traumatic injuries, minor injuries and minor complaints. We are here to reassure our community that you do not have to be afraid of catching COVID-19 while you are in our treatment areas. We are thoroughly trained to protect individuals during this time.”
“The health of our community is extremely important to us,” Dr. Rogers said. “All facilities within the South Central health system are following safety guidelines to protect patients and staff. To ensure the safety of both patients and healthcare workers, we are evaluating people at the entrance doors of our facilities. Before they even enter, we are screening for symptoms of Coronavirus. If there is a concern that a patient may be exhibiting any kind of symptoms of COVID-19, they will go to a separate area. Taking care of patients is what we do best. Let us care for you.”