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August Special | Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery Center

Posted on August 1, 2021

During the month of August, Kybella is available for $1,600 for up to 3 sessions.

Are you bothered by fat under the chin? Do you feel that the condition makes you look older or heavier than you actually are? The Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery Center of South Central Mississippi offers Kybella, a solution to unwanted chin fat. Kybella is the only FDA approved injectable treatment option for fat reduction in the chin area. Kybella works by destroying the fat cells in this are so they can no longer hold or accumulate fat. Then, the body just processes and eliminates these cells naturally. A topical numbing cream is applied before the procedure, and the area is iced after the procedure. The typical number of treatments is three depending on the fullness present in the area. Most people who receive Kybella treatments are extremely satisfied.

To learn more about Kybella or to schedule an appointment, call the Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery Center of South Mississippi at (601) 425-7522 or visit

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