Posted on March 10, 2022
Quality of Life during the Final Stages of Life
Assistance is Available through ComfortCare Hospice
The word hospice derives from a Latin word that means “hospitable”, meaning host and guest. Hospice care is a special kind of care that focuses on the quality of life for people and their caregivers who are experiencing life-limiting illnesses. At South Central Regional Medical Center our goal in hospice treatment is to provide compassionate, hospitable care to all patients at the final stages of life.
Jack C. Evans Family Medicine Physician Laurel Family Clinic
Jack C. Evans, MD, Family Medicine physician at Laurel Family Clinic, states, “As we go through seasons of life, sadly one of the seasons we experience is end of life care. We are all perishable and all approach that day at some point. There is a phenomenal need for support during this time and hospice is an available service. Hospice is a multi-disciplinary service that offers not only nursing care, nursing aid care, palliative care in reference to chronic pain, but also spiritual support which is extremely important in a time like this.”
Patients that are able to receive hospice care are those who have cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, congestive heart failure, lung disease, liver disease, renal disease, ALS (known as Lou Gehrig’s disease), stopped dialysis or any patient that has a life limiting condition with six or less months. The goal of hospice care is to improve quality of life by providing physical and emotional needs.
ComfortCare Hospice, a division of South Central Regional Medical Center in Laurel, offers a full spectrum of care for patients. The hospice team consists of physicians, nurses, nurse aides, social workers and a chaplain. Other services such as physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy and dietary counseling can be provided as needed. ComfortCare Hospice services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
“The sooner the hospice treatment begins, the sooner the patient and family members can receive the full benefits of hospice services,” stated Dr. Evans. “Family members suffer just like the patients. Many families do not understand exactly what is going on and they want to help their loved one, but they do not know how. To have a nurse come in, to have nurses aid come in, to have palliative care come in that will offer pain control for their loved one and to have spiritual support from a chaplain is just priceless.”
When severely ill patients who suffer from chronic conditions like heart disease, COPD and dementia receive hospice care early on, they experience less depression while improving mentally, physically and emotionally. With hospice staff available twenty four hours a day, seven days a week, hospice can offer relief for the patient. While everyone will face this journey, facing the end of life with assistance from qualified hospice caregivers can provide care in the home where they are close to their love ones.
ComfortCare Hospice, a division of South Central Regional Medical Center in Laurel, offers a full spectrum of care for patients. ComfortCare Hospice services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. To make a referral or for more information about ComfortCare Hospice, contact us at 601-422-0054.