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Rural MS Hospitals Announce Plans to Partner with SCRMC

Posted on June 13, 2023

Rural MS Hospitals Announce Plans to Partner with South Central Regional Medical Center

In conjunction with South Central Regional Medical Center’s hiring of Gregg Gibbes as incoming President and CEO, the Jones County health system announced intentions to enter into partnerships with multiple rural community hospitals in the state’s south-central region.

The Board of Trustees for Covington County Hospital (Collins), Magee General Hospital (Magee), and Simpson General Hospital (Mendenhall) are working with South Central’s Board of Trustees on respective administrative service agreements.

“Details of the arrangements are undergoing review, and we are looking forward to strengthening resources and relationships through the partnerships,” said George Walters, SCRMC Board Chairman.

The new collaborations are in association with SCRMC’s recent hiring of new hospital President and CEO, Gregg Gibbes, who is slated to assume the leadership role on July 1. Gibbes is the current CEO of Covington County Hospital, Magee General Hospital, and Simpson General Hospital.

“This is an exciting prospect for all four organizations,” said Magee General Hospital Board Chairman, Bennett Hubbard, Jr. “These arrangements demonstrate each hospital’s investment in learning from and leaning on the strengths of the other three facilities while continuing to focus on improving care and resources in our individual communities.”

CCH Board Chairman, Robert Johnson said, “This expanded network that we have already created between Covington and our neighboring hospitals in Magee and Mendenhall has worked tremendously well the past few years from both standpoints of patient care and business operations.”

“This is incredibly positive for Simpson General as well as the other hospitals entering into the consortium,” said David Massey, Board Chairman for SGH. “Collaboration has improved resources and we have lent and received expertise from CCH and MGH through our current agreements. Now with South Central in the mix, each of the small rural hospitals anticipates an even greater ability to remain independent and survive in a tremendously challenging industry environment.”

Learn more about the facilities by clicking the links below:

Covington County Hospital

Magee General Hospital

Simpson General Hospital


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