1. Follow the general rules of the road
Driving is a privilege and a responsibility, and motorists are required to follow a basic set of rules of the road. Those who do not meet these requirements put themselves and others at risk.
-Make sure you are aware of up-to-date traffic laws and ensure that you have a valid driver’s license. Click
here to learn more about Mississippi’s traffic laws.
-Do not follow too closely behind other vehicles.
-Comply with all posted speed limits.
-Ensure that you and all other passengers are wearing their seatbelts.
The key to safe driving is quick response to often rapid changes in the environment around you. A person cannot respond appropriately if they are not devoting their full attention to driving.
-Do not drive your vehicle while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
-Make sure that you are well awake while driving.
-Limit distractions while driving. Put phones and all other devices away.
-Do not look away from the road to adjust your radio, retrieve something from the floor, grab an item from your purse, etc.
3. Pay attention to your surroundings
It is important to remember that driving conditions can change in an instant. It is up to you to remain vigilant in constantly assessing the environment around you and taking cautionary measures to protect yourself, your passengers and other motorists.
-Check weather conditions before driving. Never drive on flooded roads or icy bridges.
-Pay attention when walking through parking lots and getting into your car. Especially at night.
-Do not expect those around you to follow traffic laws such as yielding when signs say to do so, stopping at traffic lights or stop signs, etc.
-Watch for pedestrians or other objects in the roadway.