For more information about Parkinson’s Wellness Recovery, please call 601-399-0530.
“Exercise is more than just fitness; it is a psychological tool in the fight against Parkinson’s disease.”
PWR! Moves stands for Parkinson’s Wellness Recovery program. This program is a foundation for a stand alone exercise system for those who have been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. The program integrates a research-based exercise approach in community and rehabilitation settings. The system allow those who live with Parkinson’s to develop individual successes through a lifelong exercise routine.
PWR! Moves is based around movement which assists people diagnosed with Parkinson’s because mobility is one of the senses that is lost. Simple, daily tasks such as being able to get in and out of a car or being able to walk is very difficult. The PWR! Moves teaches Parkinson’s disease patients how to regain control and become more functional.
South Central Regional Medical Center is the first in the state of Mississippi to establish a PWR! Moves to assist those with Parkinson’s disease. Through this program, SCRMC aims to help patients with improving their ambulation and by decreasing their risk of falls. The goal is to have people with Parkinson’s to be able to get out and do more functional and social activities in the community.
PWR Moves! is offered at South Central Regional Medical Center’s Rehabilitation and Wellness Complex with Kourtney Murphy, DPT, certified instructor. PWR Moves! is offered at the South Central Rehabilitation and Wellness Complex, located at 1002 Jefferson Street in Laurel, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 11 a.m. No physician referral is required. To participate in the program, please call 601-399-0530.